
Delmic produce correlative light microscopy and cathodoluminescence solutions

DELMIC’s integrated systems SPARC, SECOM and Delphi cater to a broad range of researchers in fields ranging from nanophotonics and materials science to cell biology and neuroscience.

All is accompanied by ODEMIS, open-source software designed to navigate the integrated microscopy systems and to optimize image overlay.

With the SPARC model, Delmic offers a high-performance hyperspectral cathodoluminescence detection system with unprecedented sensitivity and modularity. This system is unique for its ease-of-use, sensitivity and flexibility and can be retrofitted onto most SEMs.

The sensitivity and ease of use make it possible to take any cathodoluminescence application to the next level.

With a one-of-a-kind high-precision mirror alignment stage, the SPARC opens new avenues of research such as electron beam-induced nanophononics.

The SPARC is also the only cathodoluminescence detection system with an angle-resolved mode.

The system is ideal for the optimal collection and detection of cathodoluminescence emission, enabling fast and sensitive material characterization at the nanoscale.
